Mandala Stones (FR)

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In Mandala Stones, you use artists to collect colored stones into towers which you then score.

To start the game, randomly place the 96 stones - 24 of four colors and 48 of two designs - on the main board in stacks of four. Place the four Artist Pillars in their starting locations among these piles of stones.

On each turn, you can either draw stones or score points. To draw, move an artist to a new location, then gather all stones adjacent to that artist that (1) have the same design as that artist and (2) are not adjacent to another artist. Choose one of these stones to form the first tower, then stack the other stones collected on this first one in a clockwise direction, then place this tower on an empty space of your game board.

To score points, choose to remove either (1) a color that appears on the top stones of at least two towers on your player board, or (2) any number of top stones on your player board. In the latter case, you score 1 point for each stone removed. In the former case, you score points for each stone removed based on the scoring condition for that space on your player board, which can be based on how high that stone is in a tower or the number of colors in that tower or the height of all towers on your board. Place all the removed stones on the common central mandala, building from the inside out and possibly scoring points based on the spaces you cover.

If a player cannot draw or score points OR if a stone placed on the central mandala covers the end game space depending on the number of players in the game, end the round so that everyone has the same number of turns. Each player can then score one of the two secret objective cards in their hand, and then the player with the most points wins.

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